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Valid discount codes Audible for February 2025



▼ Below are 6 verified offers

Promo Code
Special offer

Coupon Audible on Free First Audiobook with App

Seize the chance to get special Audible bonus when using the audiobooks app. Listen to Audible on any device at home or on the go and download your first audiobook for free.

Number of uses: 1
80% Promo Code

Audible UK Offer: Up to 80% Discount On Selected Audiobooks

Get access to exclusive member deals! Click on this coupon Audible and start saving up to 80% throughout a month.

Number of uses: 7
Promo Code

Promo Code Audible for Free 30-Day Trial

Enjoy unlimited free listening to podcasts and audiobooks for the whole month! Use this Audible uk promo code to become an Audible member and get your personal 30 Day Free Trial!

Number of uses: 10
£69.99 Sale

Deal Audible: £69.99 per Premium Plus Annual Plan

Click on the Audible uk voucher and get Premium Plus Annual Membership Plan at an affordable price – just £69.99 per year. Discover 12 books credits, free podcasts and audiobooks.

Number of uses: 20
50% Discount
Maximum discount

Discount Code Audible for 50% Off Membership for 4 Month

Get a discount Audible for the first 4 months of your subscription! Save 50% and pay only £3.99 per month. You will receive 4 book credit, unlimited access to podcasts.

Number of uses: 12
£7.99 Sale

Voucher Audible on Gift Membership for £7.99

A great gift idea for book lovers! Discover this Audible offer to get gift membership from only £7.99 per month. With this purchase, you give one or more credits per month + access to the audiobook catalogue.

Number of uses: 19

Audible promo codes and discounts

🎫 Discount codes and coupons Weekly updates
🏷️ Maximum discount amount 70%
💎 Discounts for returning clients Free 30-day trial
🍀 Exclusive promo codes On our website!

First Audible offer for new customers

how to save with Audible coupons

If you haven't been a member of this online booking service yet, there is a unique Audible UK deal for you. You become eligible for a free 30-day trial when you first sign up. All audiobooks will be accessible via the app on Windows, Android, iPhone and iPad, or by using the website.

Your membership includes:

  • 1 credit, good for any premium selection titles you like;
  • the Plus Catalog of podcasts, audiobooks, guided wellness, and originals;
  • exclusive member-only offers and discount vouchers Audible;
  • a friendly email reminder before your trial ends.

Instead of one standard free option, Amazon Prime members are invited to select any two free audiobooks in their 30-day free trial. When this period ends, they proceed to receive 1 credit per month.

The shortest way to get perks and promo codes Audible

Waiting for payday before you complete your checkout? Forget that, and discover the key saving offers and special bonuses:

  • Pay attention to daily deals and sales Audible. You may visit the store's website daily or go directly to Promocodius to see what offers are available. Each day you may trace a different book on sale with up to 60% off. During holidays and Black Friday week, the rates reach up to 70% off.
  • Except for the Audible UK sale, the real bibliophiles will definitely love the two-for-one offers. They are regularly announced on the platform. However, you are not eligible to choose which two books to combine – they go in the ready set.
  • Always add audiobooks to your digital wish list. Once the price is reduced, you will be notified by the team via an email or an app notification.
  • Find your Audible UK promo code. The service shares a great variety of such via partners and on its own pages as well. The discounts usually start from 20%. Still, make sure you are not trying to combine them with other promo offers, as only one discount may be accepted per order.
  • Have a website, blog or social media account? Join the Affiliate programme and spread the word about the company. In return you'll get fare commission for every new member signed up:
    • £4 for 30-day trial membership;
    • £7 for the Discount Membership plan.
  • Don't forget to use your gift voucher if you have some. When your friends or relatives present you with such a gift, you receive a special Audible UK code and need to enter it in the Gifts section. Even if they bought you the book you already have in your library, don't worry – the platform will give you a credit or coupon audible you can use to choose something else.

Benefit from the deal Audible after redeeming the promo code

If you were provided with a promotional code, follow the below instructions to enter it:

  1. Copy the discount code Audible on Promocodius, from your mail or ad promo.
  2. Go to the website.
  3. Tap the right upper menu to sign in.
  4. Choose the 'Redeem your promotional code' tab.
  5. Enter your promo code in the space provided.
  6. Tab the 'Redeem' button.
how to save with Audible code

If entered successfully, you will be transferred to a new page to claim the promotion. Please note if you are trying to apply for a gift membership, you must do so from the Gift Centre.

Audible is the premier provider of digital audiobooks and related work – from spoken word and comedy to audio editions of magazine articles and newspapers. They also create original content that can't be found in other places. Their extensive catalogue comprises the world's largest selection of titles for millions of listeners to enjoy. Just take the coupon for the discount Audible and start listening.